Criminalistics Degree Programs

School Program Admissions
Carlow University Master of Science in Fraud & Forensics Website
Campbellsville University MS in Justice Studies: Criminology Track Website
Carlow University Bachelor of Arts in Criminology Website

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Criminalistics degrees look at theories and investigation into these criminal activities. They are often part of the crime scene and determine how certain activities occur and motives behind them. In addition, they may provide additional information to fill out police or detective reports through observation or interrogation.

At a more advanced level, they may be part of implementing policy. By understanding theory on why criminal activity occurs, they can help reduce problems by eliminating them and improving problematic locations. At the psychology level, clinical capability is possible after years of experience and passing state licensure examination.

Criminal activity happens on a common basis in urban locations, be it through physical altercations or robbery from a household or store. Criminalistics, also known as criminology, looks into why these actions occur. Why do people resort to these situations and what affect does it have on them, their relatives, and the community in general?

Difference Between Criminalistics and Criminal Justice

Some degrees will feature both criminal justice and criminology in their discipline. Criminology, or criminalistics, focuses on the behavior and theory of crime. It looks into why individuals commit criminal acts, including environmental and relationship issues that may effect these outcomes.

Even if the program doesn't specifically designate criminology, there are likely core courses or electives that provide a look into these topics. Students can also consider psychology programs, including mental health counseling and marriage and family therapy. An opportunity may also exist to add a minor or dual-degree at the graduate level.

School Program Admissions

Are There Criminology Degrees Online?

Many criminal justice and criminology degrees are available with online opportunities. Some programs have their entire curriculum available with some or no on-campus requirements. Others may have some limitations, including less electives or concentration options.

Psychology and social work degrees may also play a role in criminology. These are also commonly available online across the country. For state licensure consideration, prospective students must review requirements to determine if their education satisfies set criteria.

Online Requirements

In order to study criminology or criminal justice online, students must have proper computer and internet requirements. A modern computer system should be able to handle the demands of the university's learning management system (LMS). At least a high-speed broadband connection is recommended or required for the majority of programs.

Application needs will differ based on the university. Common needs include web browsing to access the LMS, Microsoft Office for writing and reporting, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Java. Zoom is a common webconferencing software to interact with faculty members and other students.